Friday, May 8, 2009

::1- My Other Life::

At first you were afraid you would die, then you were afraid you wouldn't ...

God loves surprises. ..

... when it comes to the past, we all stack the deck..


Dr Kamen : Edgar, does anything make you happy ?
Edgar : i used to sketch.

Dr Kamen : When ?
Edgar : As a kid.

Dr Kamen : Since then ?
Edgar : No.

Dr Kamen : Take it up again .... You need hedges.
Edgar : Hedges .. (bemused)

Dr Kamen : Yes, Edgar ... Hedges against the night.

[On the divorce between Edgar and his wife, Pam]

Tom Riley : She got herself a lawyer. She's going ahead with this divorce business.

Edgar : .... What exactly does she want ?

Tom Riley : She said she hopes it doesn't have to be mean. She said "i don't want to be rich, and i don't want a fight. i just want him to be fair to me and the girls, the way he always was. Will you tell him that ?" ....
The life with Pam and the girls and the construction company was over; there were no other rooms in it to explore. There were, however, doors. The one marked SUICIDE was currently a bad option ....
That left the one marked DUMA KEY. ....

[On the accident death of Monica's dog, Gandalf]

Monica looked at me with eyes that were more than grief-striken, more than shocked. They were crazy.
i know that look well. i'd seen it often in my own mirror ....

Edgar : Do you promise? Big swear? Mother's name ?

Monica : Big swear. Mother's name. Go on.

i was clutching Gandalf to my chest with my left arm, and his eyes were staring up at my face ---
No, past it. And past the sky.

Last update : 22 May 2009

Dreams mostly tell the truth, don't they ?

[On Edgar's feel of remorse about the death of Gandalf ...]

.... Because i didn't think Gandalf had died on his own. i think he needed help.

i went into my old living room. i wasn't conscious of moving my feet; i went in the way you move in dreams, as if it 's really the world moveing around you, streaming backward like some extravagant trick of projection....

In the end we always wear out our worries.

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